I believe that developing strong women leaders needs to begin in their youth. For this reason, I have been heavily committed to our local Girl Guide group since my daughter joined at age 5. We participated in many events and community projects designed to engage, enlighten and empower girls age 5 to 18 years age. Early involvement in local community and environmental issues builds good citizenship skills. Outdoor activities including camping, backpacking, river rafting and horse back riding allows the girls to explore their environment and build their personal strengths and leaderships skills. Through co-leading an international trip of Pathfinders (aged 14 years) to Mexico City and the World Guiding Centre in Cuernavaca, Mexico, we further exposed the girls to international peace building and volunteer opportunities. Many of these young women have gone on to careers in science, engineering, health care, city planning, and politics. These young ladies are our future leaders.
As part of my commitment, I continue to volunteer as Camp Physician for more than 3000 international Girl Guides at the BC Council Spirit of Adventure and Rendezvous (SOAR) camps around the province. I work with a team of dedicated nurses and first aid attendants to supply on site emergency medical services for a host of medical problems encountered in large group settings. Each camp has different challenges, however our team is efficient and effective in delivering excellent medical services in our humble facilities. Each of these amazing women are inspiring role models for visiting Girl Guides from around the world.